I really shouldn't have cleaned my van 2 weeks ago. My back has hurt since then. It was getting better, then started hurting a lot more yesterday. I have no idea what I did to mess it up more. The chiropractor is my friend? Time to call him monday morning.
I may have to take your experience and use it as an excuse to avoid cleaning my messy van--I wouldn't want to hurt my back! ;o)
Hope you are feeling better soon!!!
Octamom, I just need to make the teenagers remove all the bench seats. Then I can just crawl through the van, vacuuming with the shop vac, rather than trying to reach under the seats.
The last time the kids cleaned it out, they did not do a very good job with the rug doctor. I'd like it clean at least once a season, preferable before the large orange juice that was spilled recently starts smelling in the warm weather.
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