Saturday, September 13, 2008

I hate it when pc's don't work correctly.

I like determining why things don't work. PC problems can be frustrating, but very satisfying to me when I figure them out. But when there is nothing I can do and higher level tech support needs to address the problem, it really annoys me. I don't want to just know the answer, I want to know why. Maybe that is why the A+ book puts me asleep. It just teaches the exam. I want to know why that is the answer, kwim?


Stefany said...

Hey I was going back through som eof my old blog visitors and decided to come back your way and see what you've been up to ! Thanks for having me by!I am SOOO sorry about the PC problems - that can be so disheartening.

debi9kids said...

OH! I hope you are able to figure it out. I have been having so many issues with my computer that I am tempted to throw it out the window and start new....