Thursday, January 29, 2009


Boy, now I know how hubby feels. We both drove to work separately Tuesday, as his carpool wanted to leave early and he needed to stay until his normal day was over. No problem, I parked at the parking garage in Pentagon city and paid for parking, he parked with the parking pass at work. When we finally got ready to go home, we decided to take my car home and just leave his in the parking lot. So we drive home, on roads that weren't too bad and decided to stay home on wednesday, as his van pool was not going in due to freezing rain. I had to drive him to the commuter parking lot to catch his vanpool this morning. They leave at 4:40 and do not wait for stragglers. We got up at 4 and left our house at 4:28. I never went back to sleep, as the school did not announce the 2 hour delay until 5:15. By then I had finished 3 cups of strong tea and was wide awake.

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