Friday, July 29, 2016

It's been an exciting summer so far.

After I broke my ankle, we were still planning on going on our 3 week, drive across the country to Seattle, go down the west coast, and then drive home trip. I can't drive, so my parents were going to come with us and help hubby drive. It all hit the fan on July 12th. My leg had been aching every evening for a few days. I thought I had been doing too much, not elevating it as much as I should. I woke up that morning and felt a little off. I tried to get up out of the recliner and collapsed. My night owl 16 yr old son heard me fall and came to try to get me off the floor. I could not get up, as My right arm and leg were not working. Hubby and my sons carried me to the car and rushed me to our local hospital, where they determined I probably had a stroke. They sent me by ambulance to the regional medical center. MRI testing showed I did have a stroke. We guess I had a DVT in my broken leg, which traveled from my leg, through the small hole I have in my heart between the left and right sides and then to my brain.

After missing 1 day of work for my broken leg and 3 days in the hospital, plus recovery time, I am feeling back to normal. I used too much vacation time to take a long trip, so we took the youngest 4 to the beach last weekend. It was too hot to actually go to the beach, but the kids enjoyed the pool at the KOA campground Virginia Beach and seeing a few movies in the heat of the day, plus the Maritime museum in Newport News.

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